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South Florida and Orlando AC Repair & Electricians

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Programmable Thermostats

South FL 954-753-9436 Orlando Area 407-476-5159

Controlling Your Environment with a Programmable Thermostat

Every year in the US, millions of dollars are wasted on energy costs wasted by HVAC equipment running when it's not needed. There are times both during the day when your heating and air conditioning can take a break from working hard, to both safe you money and prolong system life. Many people fail compensate for:

  • Times during the day when occupants are at work/school
  • Lower night time temperatures, when cooling is less needed
  • Strings of nice weather, when open windows can let cooler fresh air in
  • Long stretches where no one is home, such as vacation or seasonal homes
  • Reduced energy and utility costs
  • Fewer resources used by your system
  • Can be set to adjust temperature for your arrival
  • Ability to schedule future settings, such as weekends and vacations
  • Easily integrated with any type of heating or air conditioning system

Experience Our Red Carpet Service Today

Contact us now for professional service from your friendly experts at Kings. Your comfort and safety are our priorities!

Part of a Complete HVAC Service Experience By Kings

When you have Kings install a programmable thermostat into your home, you are choosing just one of our many great services. We are experts in increasing your indoor air quality, and can help you to maximize the efficiency of your home's cooling system by tailoring it to your unique needs.

With service visit from Kings, you can always look forward to:

  • Multiple Guarantees on Parts, Labor and Satisfaction
  • 100% Licensed & Certified Technicians
  • A Clean and Secure Work Zone
  • A Comprehensive Custom Home Assessment
954-753-9436 Drop us a line if you have any questions or need our expert service.

Let Kings Bring You the Latest Home Comfort Technology,

Starting with a New Programmable Thermostat.